• 時髦工業風精品酒店設計 芝加哥Ace酒店設計說明

    位于芝加哥的 Ace 酒店,前身是一家名叫 Fulton Market 奶酪公司,經過改造設計后變成了由磚和玻璃構造的工業風建筑。Ace Hotel Chicago 酒店設計靈感借鑒了當地的設計史,將中西部的工匠藝術與實用設計進行了結合。這種足夠新式、時髦、與新生活方式契合和、去標準化的設計,成為了酒店的新注釋。下面就跟隨鄭州精品酒店設計公司勃朗設計小編一起去欣賞吧! 

    The ace hotel in Chicago, formerly known as Fulton market cheese company, has been transformed into an industrial wind building made of bricks and glass. Inspired by the local design history, ACE Hotel Chicago combines craftsman art and practical design in the Midwest. This kind of design, which is new enough, fashionable enough, in line with the new lifestyle and de standardized, has become a new annotation of the hotel.

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店大堂接待臺設計圖

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店設計說明

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店休閑區設計方案

    酒店內共有 180 間客房、接待處、大堂酒吧、室內和室外餐廳、活動場所和屋頂酒吧。首當其沖便是大堂空間的打造,開放式的公共區域在設計上極富創意,融合各種藝術裝飾,頗受年輕人的青睞。

    The hotel has 180 guest rooms, reception, lobby bar, indoor and outdoor dining room, activity place and roof bar. The first is the creation of the lobby space. The open public area is very creative in design and integrates various art decorations, which is popular among young people.

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店餐廳設計方案

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店露臺酒吧設計方案

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店酒吧設計方案

    酒店內的 180 間客房都融入了這座城市豐富的現代主義建筑史,毛氈家具、拋光鋼裝飾等元素都是空間的一大設計特色。每個客房內還放置了獨特的藝術品,固定在酒店的信箋紙上,這一設計是由芝加哥藝術學院學生和上海汽車集團繪畫教授丹·德文寧(Dan Devening)共同策劃。酒店客房衛生間設計比較簡易,主要以實用為主。

    The 180 guest rooms in the hotel are all integrated into the city's rich history of modernist architecture. Felt furniture, cast-iron decoration and other elements are a major design feature of the space. Each room is also equipped with unique artworks, which are fixed on the letter paper of the hotel. The design is jointly planned by the students of Chicago Art Institute and Dan devening, a professor of painting of Shanghai automobile group. The bathroom design of hotel guest room is relatively simple, mainly practical.

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店客房設計方案

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店客房休息區設計方案

    時髦工業風精品酒店設計   芝加哥Ace酒店設計方案



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